Home Events - I Love N2 Kids Little Yoga Art Club
little yoga art club east finchley highgate

Little Yoga Art Club

The Little Yoga Art Club is excited to be running our first ever class for babies as well as our Toddler and Preschool classes.

Little ones from 6 months to 4 years can join Jessie for a fun filled morning of stories, , yoga, games, art, bubbles, music and relaxation

It’s as much fun for the adults as it is for the children!

Every week features a different story and theme and every child leaves with their own piece of artwork!

Find us on Mondays at The Bald Faced Stag, East Finchley.

Toddlers & Preschoolers (10 – 11am)

Babies (11.15 – 12)

Book your classes via happity.co.uk

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