Trolley bus at East Finchley station

Local History

East Finchley’s local history resources, compiled by David Smith, with thanks to The Archer.

general History

The Magdalene Sisters

Article by Alison Roberts (Published May 2003...
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general History

A Tale of Two Towers

Article by Alison Roberts, (published September 2023,...
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general History

Highway to the North

The origins of the Great North Road...
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general History

The history of East Finchley Festival

A history of East Finchley Festival by...
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Tony Roberts’s history of East Finchley

The following articles are reproduced from a series written for The Archer, published in 1997-8.
Tony Roberts supplies archive material for The Finchley Society and leads guded local history walks.
Visit his website for more local history and over 100 walks.

In The Beginning

In The Beginning

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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Time Immemorial

Time Immemorial

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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The Bishop of London and his Hunting Park

The Bishop of London and his Hunting Park

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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East Finchley takes shape

East Finchley takes shape

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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Clouds on the Horizon

Clouds on the Horizon

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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East Finchley’s Elegant Past

East Finchley’s Elegant Past

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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What’s in a Name

What’s in a Name

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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The Railway comes to East Finchley

The Railway comes to East Finchley

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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The Tube at our feet

The Tube at our feet

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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The Rise of the Garden Suburb

The Rise of the Garden Suburb

Article by Tony Roberts,...
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Memories of East Finchley & Muswell Hill

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